Publish an aar file to Maven Central with Gradle

In the last days I tried to publish ChangeLog Lib as aar (Android Archive) to Maven Central . First of all, I am a newbie in Gradle and Maven.I always used repo as a final user, so there could be better solutions. My first step was to find an approved repository . I decided to use the Sonatype OSS Repository , which is an approved repository provided by Sonatype. 1. Register your project at Sonatype It is easy. You can use the official guide . You have to follow the 2nd and 3th section. In this way you can create your user, and your project. When you create your project, pay attention to groupId . It is very important. Here you can find a some tips about it. If you don't own a domain, you can choose a groupId that reflects your project hosting, something like com.github.gabrielemariotti. You can't use it immediately; Sonatype have to prepare repo and normally it takes 1-2 business days. Then you can write your gradle scripts to upload aar file. 2. Grad...