A First Glance at Stetho tool
I decided to spend a few hours on Stetho.
Stetho is a sophisticated debug bridge for Android applications.
How to enable it
It is very simple to enable Stetho.
Just add these lines to your
Now the last step: Run the application and just open Chrome on your pc (where the device is plugged).
In your chrome just navigate on chrome://inspect
As you can see in the image you can see 2 apps running in my device (I love Nexus4 for this kind of tests....)
Here you can open a magical world...clicking the inspect link.
First of all you can see the elements tab.
Here you can navigate in the elements inside your Activity......
Here a first surprise...clicking on the entry on the tab, the element is highlighted on the device !
The network tab.
If you work with the Chrome Developer Tools, you know it very well. Here you can see the network calls with their data.
In my app I do a simple call with okhttp
The Resources tab.
In my sample app I am setting a simple value in the SharedPreferences.
Also I use a simple SQLiteOpenHelper to manage a very small database with just a table.
And you can run queries on your db...(!)
Of course it is only a first glance at this tool but it is enough to check the power of this debug tool.
You can get code from GitHub:
Stetho is a sophisticated debug bridge for Android applications.
How to enable it
It is very simple to enable Stetho.
Just add these lines to your
Then in your Application you can enable the tool just adding:dependencies { // Stetho core compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.1.1' //If you want to add a network helper compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho-okhttp:1.1.1' }
Stetho.initialize( Stetho.newInitializerBuilder(this) .enableDumpapp( Stetho.defaultDumperPluginsProvider(this)) .enableWebKitInspector( Stetho.defaultInspectorModulesProvider(this)) .build());In my simple application, I have a network call with okhttp-client , a simple value in the shared preferences, and a small db with one table.
Now the last step: Run the application and just open Chrome on your pc (where the device is plugged).
In your chrome just navigate on chrome://inspect
As you can see in the image you can see 2 apps running in my device (I love Nexus4 for this kind of tests....)
- Chrome
- My Stetho Test App
Here you can open a magical world...clicking the inspect link.
First of all you can see the elements tab.
Here you can navigate in the elements inside your Activity......
Here a first surprise...clicking on the entry on the tab, the element is highlighted on the device !

The network tab.
If you work with the Chrome Developer Tools, you know it very well. Here you can see the network calls with their data.
In my app I do a simple call with okhttp
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); client.networkInterceptors().add(new StethoInterceptor()); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("https://google.com") .build(); client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() { @Override public void onFailure(Request request, IOException e) { //do something } @Override public void onResponse(Response response) throws IOException { //do something } });Here the tab:
The Resources tab.
In my sample app I am setting a simple value in the SharedPreferences.
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences("TEST", MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); editor.putString("name", "Paolo"); editor.putInt("idName", 12); editor.commit();You can check this value in the navigating in the Local Storage entry.
Also I use a simple SQLiteOpenHelper to manage a very small database with just a table.
private static final String CREATE_DATABASE = "CREATE TABLE " + TBL_USR + " ( " + TBL_USR_CLMN_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, " + TBL_USR_CLMN_NAME + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + TBL_USR_CLMN_SURNAME + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + TBL_USR_CLMN_CODE + " INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 " + ")"; @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL(CREATE_DATABASE); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TBL_USR + " " + "("+ TBL_USR_CLMN_NAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_SURNAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_CODE +")" + " VALUES('PAOLO1','ROSSI1', 233432 )"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TBL_USR + " " + "("+ TBL_USR_CLMN_NAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_SURNAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_CODE +")" + " VALUES('PAOLO2','ROSSI2', 103213 )"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TBL_USR + " " + "("+ TBL_USR_CLMN_NAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_SURNAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_CODE +")" + " VALUES('PAOLO3','ROSSI3', 5454331 )"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TBL_USR + " " + "("+ TBL_USR_CLMN_NAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_SURNAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_CODE +")" + " VALUES('PAOLO4','ROSSI4', 5454444 )"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TBL_USR + " " + "("+ TBL_USR_CLMN_NAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_SURNAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_CODE +")" + " VALUES('PAOLO5','ROSSI5', 1231232 )"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TBL_USR + " " + "("+ TBL_USR_CLMN_NAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_SURNAME +" , " + TBL_USR_CLMN_CODE +")" + " VALUES('PAOLO6','ROSSI6', 4443343 )"); }You can navigate on the data on the WebSQL entry.
And you can run queries on your db...(!)
Of course it is only a first glance at this tool but it is enough to check the power of this debug tool.
You can get code from GitHub:
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